Did You Know?
• Selecting a career path automatically provides you with career goal-setting, regardless of your interests, abilities, talents, or desired levels of post-secondary education.
• By selecting a career path, you will be more focused as you make decisions about high
school course selections.
• Selecting a career path will allow you to see the relevance of the courses you select in
middle and high school to your future career choices.
• By selecting a career path, your parents, teachers, and counselor will be able to provide
you with more up-to-date information about your career goals and your post-secondary
options beyond high school.
• Selecting a career path means you are more likely to do better in school as well as to
graduate with the Distinguished Level of Achievement, with one or more Endorsements,
and with Performance Acknowledgements.
Plan Your Path
Use the information found in the North Zulch Curriculum Guide to learn about graduation
requirements, explore district endorsement offerings and schools, and to start planning
your high school coursework to align with your aptitude and interests.
Interview Tips and Strategies
Building a Resume